Habitat: Meadows



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Showing 1-15 of 893 records

Common Agrimony

Flower: The flowers of Common Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) found in the UK are small and yellow, arranged in elongated spikes on slender stems. Each individual flower consists of five petals and has a delicate, cup-shaped appearance. The flowers bloom in clusters and are known for their bright, cheerful y... Fruit: The fruit of Common Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) found in the UK is composed of small, burr-like structures containing seeds. These fruits typically develop after the flowering period. They have a rough or prickly exterior, designed with hooks that easily attach to fur or clothing, aiding in the d... Leaves: The leaves of Common Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) found in the UK are compound and alternately arranged along the stem. Each leaf is composed of smaller leaflets arranged in a feather-like or pinnate pattern. The leaflets are serrated along the edges, providing a distinctive appearance. The surfac...

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Grey Alder

Flower: Pendulous, red-brown and becoming yellow later (male catkins). Red, erect and cylindrical (female catkins). Male and female catkins present on same tree. Fruit: Wooded cones which persist on the tree throughout winter months. Leaves: Deciduous. Hairy, ovate and pointed, glossy, grey beneath.

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Sweet Alyssum

Flower: Sweet Alyssum is a charming and petite flowering plant with delicate blooms. The flowers, shaped like small clusters, come in a variety of colours, including white, pink, purple, and lavender. Each flower consists of four petals, creating a dainty and intricate appearance. The fragrance of these blo... Fruit: Sweet Alyssum is not typically grown for its fruit, as it is primarily cultivated for its attractive and fragrant flowers. The plant produces small, inconspicuous fruits that are not commonly a focal point in gardening discussions. The main ornamental appeal of Sweet Alyssum lies in its profusion of... Leaves: Sweet Alyssum features small, lance-shaped leaves that contribute to its overall compact and neat appearance. The leaves are typically green in colour and form a dense carpet of foliage beneath the delicate clusters of flowers. These leaves are relatively small in size, adding to the fine texture of...

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Grape-leaf Anemone

Flower: The flowers of Eriocapitella vitifolia are small and pink or white, with five petals and a yellow center. The flowers have a sweet aroma and are usually seen in clusters. They have a long flowering season, typically from late spring to early fall. Fruit: The fruit of Eriocapitella vitifolia is a small, round, yellow berry with a thin skin. The flesh is sweet and juicy, and the flavor is similar to a grapefruit. The fruit is usually about 1 inch in diameter and ripens in late summer. Leaves: The leaves of Eriocapitella vitifolia are bright green, glossy, and pointed. They are oval-shaped and grow in clusters of three. The leaves are approximately 2-3 inches long, and they have a slightly waxy texture. The leaves are tough and leathery, with a distinct vein pattern along the edges. They ...

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Marsh Arrowgrass

Flower: A flower spike. The green flowers have purple edges. Individual flowers are up to 3mm wide. Flowers have 3 petals and 6 stamens. Fruit: Narrow, erect and arrow-like. Leaves: Long and grass-like leaves with deep grooves.

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Water Avens

Flower: The flowers of Water Avens are characterized by their nodding, reddish-purple petals. These blooms add a touch of elegance to the plant and typically appear in late spring to mid-summer. Fruit: The fruit of Water Avens consists of small, dry achenes. These one-seeded fruits develop after the flowering period and contribute to the plant's reproductive cycle. Leaves: The basal leaves of Water Avens are pinnate and possess a slightly hairy texture. These toothed leaves contribute to the overall appearance of the plant, forming a lush and green foliage.

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Yellow Azalea

Flower: Funnel-shaped, bright yellow flowers, up to 5cm across. Flowers appear together in dense clusters of 5 to 25. Pollinated by insects. Fruit: A dry, woody seed capsule, containing several minute seeds. Leaves: A bushy deciduous shrub whose leaves are oblong and turn red, purple or orange in autumn. Commonly seen as a garden plant in the British Isles but sometimes seen bird-sown in woods and on moorland. The leaves measure up to 10cm long and 4cm wide.

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Touch-me-not Balsam

Flower: Touch-me-not Balsam showcases delicate, pale yellow to orange flowers with vivid red or purple spots, creating a charming spectacle in the British countryside. These blossoms, adorned with their distinct markings, gently sway in the breeze, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies during the... Fruit: The fruit of Touch-me-not Balsam is comprised of elongated seed pods that develop following the flowering period. These pods, known as capsules, are characteristically slender and cylindrical, gradually maturing to a pale green or brown hue. Upon reaching maturity, the pods exhibit a remarkable mech... Leaves: The leaves of Touch-me-not Balsam are broadly oval in shape and feature serrated edges, imparting a distinctive appearance to this native British plant. These verdant foliage adornments are arranged alternately along the stems, creating a lush canopy of greenery in shaded woodlands, damp meadows, an...

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Small Balsam

Flower: Small Balsam features delicate pale yellow blossoms with a distinctive spurred shape. These flowers, native to the UK, thrive in damp woodland areas, showcasing their charming allure along riverbanks and streamsides. 5 stamens. Pollinated by insects. Fruit: The fruit of Small Balsam, native to the UK, is a small, elongated capsule that bursts open when touched, dispersing its seeds. This capsule is typically green in color and contains numerous seeds, contributing to the plant's prolific spread in woodland habitats across the country. Leaves: The leaves of Small Balsam, native to the UK, are ovate to lanceolate in shape, with serrated edges. They are typically a vibrant green colour and have a slightly glossy appearance. The leaves are arranged alternately along the stem and often have a reddish tint on the undersides.

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Meadow Barley

Flower: Compact, purple-tinted, flower spikes with long awns. The spikes are a maximum of 5cm long. The rough, bristle-like glumes are shorter than those of the similar looking Wall Barley (Hordeum murinum). Fruit: The fruit is a caryopsis. Leaves: A perennial grass which is shorter than the similar looking Wall Barley. Flat, rough, mid-green leaves, 5mm wide.

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Alpine Bartsia

Flower: Dark purple flowers with leafy bracts. The flowers are occasionally yellow. 4 stamens. Fruit: A dark brown, oval capsule. 2 valves. Leaves: A downy perennial plant with purple-tinted, oval, untoothed leaves. Unstalked. The leaves appear together in opposite pairs along the stems.

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Flower: The Bearsbreech produces striking and elegant flowers that exhibit a unique beauty. The blooms are characterized by tall spikes, each adorned with tubular white flowers that emerge from distinctive, spiky purple bracts. These floral spikes, rising above the large, glossy green leaves, create a visua... Fruit: The Bearsbreech does not produce conspicuous or notable fruits in the traditional sense. Instead, its primary method of reproduction is through seeds. The plant develops seed capsules that contain the seeds, but these capsules are not typically showy or ornamentally significant. The focus of aesthet... Leaves: The Bearsbreech is recognized for its large, glossy green leaves that contribute to its distinctive appearance. These leaves are deeply lobed and feature a lush, vibrant green hue. Each leaf has pronounced, spiky edges, adding to the overall textural interest of the plant. The foliage forms an attra...

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Spiny Bearsbreech

Flower: Spiny Bearsbreech is known for its striking, architectural flowers. The blossoms are characterized by their tall, spiky inflorescences, which feature hood-like bracts with spiky tips. The individual flowers are tubular and emerge from these bracts, forming a dense, elongated spike. The color of the ... Fruit: Spiny Bearsbreech does not produce typical fleshy fruits. Instead, it reproduces through seeds. After the flowering period, the plant forms seed capsules that contain the seeds. These capsules are dry and split open when mature, releasing the seeds. The seeds are small and are often dispersed by win... Leaves: The leaves of Spiny Bearsbreech are large, deeply lobed, and glossy green in colour. Each leaf typically has several sharply toothed segments that give them a distinctive, spiky appearance. The lobes are deeply cut and have spiny tips, contributing to the plant's name. The overall leaf structure is ...

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Slender Marsh Bedstraw

Flower: Flowers appear in small clusters. The flowers are pale pink on the outside and creamy-white inside. Flowers each measure 2 or 3mm across. Fruit: The fruit is a high domed, warted nutlet. Leaves: The linear leaves are in whorls of 4 to 6 along the stems. The tips of the leaves can be either blunt or pointed. Similar in appearance to Fen Bedstraw (Galium uliginosum) and Marsh Bedstraw (Galium palustre) except Slender Marsh Bedstraw is more slender and weaker branched. It is also a shorter gro...

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Northern Bedstraw

Flower: Numerous small white flowers in branched, dense leafy clusters. Each flower is about 3mm in diameter. Flowers are pointed at the tip. The 4 stamens are creamy white. 2 styles. Pollinated by flies and beetles. Fruit: A brown, 2-sectioned fruit with hooked hairs. Leaves: The leaves are stalkless, dark green and with rough edges. They appear in whorls of 4 up the stem. Each opposite pair of leaves are of differing lengths. This is the only white bedstraw in Great Britain with 3-veined leaves. Each leaf measures up to 2 inches (5cm) long and 0.25 inches wide. The erec...

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