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Rosy Garlic

Allium roseum

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Plant Profile

Flowering Months:
Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis)
Life Cycle:
Maximum Size:
75 centimetres tall
Grassland, hedgerows, meadows, mountains, roadsides, rocky places, seaside, wasteland, woodland.

Pink, 6 petals
An umbel (flowerhead) of pink or lilac-coloured, long-stalked (3cm) flowers. The petals are pointed. The loose umbel (approx. 8cm across) has short papery bracts. Each umbel consists of up to 20 flowers. The flowers themselves are bell-shaped and rarely open fully. Flowers have 6 cream-coloured anthers. Pollinated by bees and insects. Keeled Garlic (Allium carinatum) is similar looking but with longer stamens.
The fruit is a capsule.
Flat, strap-shaped or grass-like, dull green leaves. Perennial bulb.
The flowers are pungent.
Other Names:
Pink Garlic, Rosy-flowered Garlic.
Frequency (UK):

Similar Species

Other Information


Allium roseum, also known as rosy garlic or pink garlic, is a species of wild onion native to Europe and Asia. It is a perennial plant that grows from a bulb, and produces a single stem with linear leaves and a dense umbel of small, pink to rosy-purple flowers.

The plant has a strong garlic odor when the leaves are crushed. It has been widely cultivated and distributed in many parts of the world as an ornamental plant and for its edible bulb and leaves which have a delicate garlic flavor. It is hardy in USDA zones 4-8 and can be found in meadows, woodland, rocky hills and roadsides.


Allium roseum, commonly known as Rosy Garlic or Rosy-flowered Garlic, is a species of flowering plant in the Allium genus, which includes onions, garlic, chives, and leeks. This herbaceous perennial is native to the Mediterranean region and can be found growing wild in parts of southern Europe, North Africa, and western Asia. Rosy Garlic is known for its ornamental value and distinctive pink flowers, which bloom in the spring and summer.

Appearance and Characteristics

Rosy Garlic typically grows to a height of 12-24 inches (30-60 cm) and spreads out to a width of 8-12 inches (20-30 cm). The plant features narrow, grass-like leaves that grow from a bulbous base, and in the spring and summer, it produces clusters of small, pink flowers on tall stems. Each flowerhead contains dozens of individual blooms, each with six pink petals surrounding a central stamen.

Cultivation and Care

Rosy Garlic is a relatively easy plant to grow and care for, making it a popular choice among gardeners. The plant prefers well-draining soil and full to partial sunlight, and it can thrive in a range of climates, from hot and dry to cool and moist. It is also tolerant of frost and can withstand temperatures down to around 15°F (-9°C).

To propagate Rosy Garlic, simply divide the bulbs in the fall or early spring and replant them in well-draining soil. The bulbs should be planted at a depth of around 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) and spaced 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) apart. Water the plants regularly during the growing season, but be careful not to overwater, as this can cause the bulbs to rot.

Uses and Benefits

In addition to its ornamental value, Rosy Garlic has a number of potential health benefits. Like other members of the Allium family, it contains compounds that have been shown to have antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Some studies have also suggested that Allium species may have cancer-fighting properties, though more research is needed in this area.

Rosy Garlic is also a popular culinary ingredient in some parts of the world. The bulbs have a mild garlic flavor and can be used in a range of dishes, including salads, soups, and stir-fries. The plant is particularly popular in Mediterranean cuisine, where it is often used to flavor meat dishes and sauces.

More Information about Rosy Garlic

In addition to its culinary and medicinal uses, Rosy Garlic also has cultural significance in some parts of the world. In Greece, for example, it is believed to have protective properties and is often hung above doors or windows to ward off evil spirits. In Morocco, the plant is used in traditional medicine to treat a range of ailments, including digestive issues, respiratory problems, and skin conditions.

As an ornamental plant, Rosy Garlic is prized for its showy pink flowers and can be used in a variety of settings, from rock gardens to border plantings. It is also a popular choice for container gardens, as its compact size and attractive foliage make it an excellent choice for small spaces.

Rosy Garlic is a versatile and beautiful plant with a range of uses and benefits. Whether you're looking to add some color to your garden, explore the culinary properties of Allium species, or take advantage of its potential health benefits, Rosy Garlic is a plant worth considering. With a little care and attention, it can thrive in a wide range of settings and provide years of enjoyment and utility.

One of the interesting features of Rosy Garlic is its ability to attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and other insects. The plant's flowers are rich in nectar and pollen, making them an important food source for these creatures. By including Rosy Garlic in your garden, you can help support local pollinator populations and promote biodiversity.

In terms of its medicinal properties, Rosy Garlic is believed to have a number of health benefits. It contains compounds such as allicin, which has been shown to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Some studies have also suggested that Allium species like Rosy Garlic may have cholesterol-lowering effects, as well as potential benefits for cardiovascular health.

In addition to its health benefits, Rosy Garlic is also known for its versatility in the kitchen. The bulbs have a mild garlic flavor that pairs well with a variety of dishes, from pasta to roasted meats. They can be chopped and added to salads, soups, and stews, or roasted and served as a side dish. Rosy Garlic also makes a flavorful addition to marinades and dressings.

Rosy Garlic is a plant with many uses and benefits, from its ornamental value to its potential health and culinary properties. Whether you're looking to add some color to your garden or explore the many ways in which Allium species can be used, Rosy Garlic is definitely worth considering.

One interesting fact about Rosy Garlic is that it has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. In ancient Greece, it was believed to have aphrodisiac properties, and was used to treat everything from respiratory infections to insect bites. In medieval Europe, it was used to treat digestive issues, and was also believed to have healing properties for wounds and infections.

Today, Rosy Garlic and other Allium species continue to be studied for their potential health benefits. In addition to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, research suggests that Rosy Garlic may have anti-inflammatory effects and could potentially help lower blood pressure. Some studies have even suggested that Allium species like Rosy Garlic may have cancer-fighting properties, though more research is needed in this area.

In terms of its culinary uses, Rosy Garlic is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes. Its mild garlic flavor pairs well with a range of flavors, and it can be used to add depth and complexity to everything from soups and stews to roasted meats and vegetables. In Mediterranean cuisine, it is often used to flavor sauces and marinades, and is a popular ingredient in dishes like tzatziki and hummus.

Whether you're interested in the ornamental value of Rosy Garlic, its potential health benefits, or its culinary properties, there are many reasons to consider including this plant in your garden. With its showy pink flowers, mild garlic flavor, and potential medicinal properties, Rosy Garlic is a plant that offers something for everyone.

Distribution Map

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