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Littorella uniflora

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Plant Profile

Flowering Months:
Plantaginaceae (Plantain)
Life Cycle:
Maximum Size:
10 centimetres tall
Gardens, mud, ponds, sand dunes, water.

Green, 4 petals
Shoreweed (Littorella uniflora) is a perennial aquatic or semi-aquatic plant characterized by its inconspicuous flowers. The flowers are typically borne on slender, leafless stalks that emerge from the plant's basal rosette of narrow, grass-like leaves. Each flower is solitary and unremarkable, usually about 1-2 mm in size, lacking petals and having a greenish or brownish hue. They are unisexual, with male and female flowers occurring on separate plants. The male flowers produce pollen in small, spiky anthers, while the female flowers feature a tiny, elongated ovary. These modest blooms are often overlooked, as Shoreweed primarily relies on vegetative reproduction and is more notable for its habitat in sandy or muddy shores of freshwater bodies.
The fruit of Shoreweed is a small, inconspicuous capsule that develops at the base of the plant. This capsule typically contains a single seed, which is released when the fruit matures and splits open. The fruit is often submerged or partially submerged in the sandy or muddy substrates of its freshwater habitat, making it less visible. The seed is adapted to aquatic dispersal, ensuring the plant's propagation in its preferred shoreline environment.
The leaves of Shoreweed are slender, grass-like, and arranged in a basal rosette. They are typically linear, tapering to a fine point, and can grow up to 10 cm long. These leaves are smooth, bright green, and somewhat fleshy, adapting to both submerged and exposed conditions in their sandy or muddy freshwater habitats. The leaves often lie flat against the substrate or may float slightly in water, and they play a crucial role in photosynthesis and nutrient absorption for the plant.
Shoreweed does not possess a notable fragrance. The plant's flowers are small and inconspicuous, lacking the showy or scented qualities found in many other flowering plants. Its leaves and other parts also do not emit any significant scent. Therefore, Shoreweed is primarily recognized for its ecological role in freshwater habitats rather than any aromatic characteristics.
Other Names:
American Shoreweed, Shore-weed.
Frequency (UK):
Occasionally seen  

Similar Species

Other Information


Littorella uniflora is a perennial herbaceous plant species in the family Hydrocharitaceae. It is an aquatic plant that grows in shallow water and marshy areas, typically in acidic to neutral soils. It is native to the northern hemisphere, including Europe, Asia, and North America. It is commonly known as shoreweed, and has small white flowers that bloom in the summer. It is also used as an ornamental plant in water gardens and as a food source for waterfowl. Littorella uniflora is also considered as an indicator of good water quality and is often used in the monitoring of water bodies.


Shoreweed, or Littorella uniflora, is a small aquatic plant found in freshwater habitats around the world. This unique plant is adapted to life on the shorelines of ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams, where it grows in shallow water or wet soil. Despite its small size and inconspicuous appearance, shoreweed is an important part of many aquatic ecosystems, playing a vital role in the food chain and contributing to the overall health of the environment.

Description and Habitat

Shoreweed is a small plant that typically grows to only a few centimeters in height. Its stems are thin and delicate, and its leaves are long and slender, with a single leaf emerging from each stem. The leaves are a bright green color and have a smooth texture, and they grow in a spiral pattern around the stem.

Shoreweed is found in a variety of freshwater habitats, including ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams. It prefers shallow water or wet soil and is often found growing on the muddy shores of these water bodies. Shoreweed can tolerate a range of water conditions, including acidic or alkaline waters, and can even grow in areas with low oxygen levels.

Importance in the Ecosystem

Shoreweed is an important part of many aquatic ecosystems. It serves as a primary producer, using photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy that can be used by other organisms in the food chain. The leaves and stems of shoreweed provide shelter and habitat for a variety of small aquatic animals, including insects, snails, and other invertebrates.

In addition to providing habitat for other organisms, shoreweed also plays an important role in maintaining the health of the ecosystem. The plant can help to stabilize shorelines and prevent erosion, reducing sedimentation and improving water quality. Its roots also help to absorb excess nutrients and pollutants from the water, making it a valuable tool in water quality management.

Conservation Status

Shoreweed is considered a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). While it is found in many freshwater habitats around the world, it is not considered a widespread or abundant species. Some populations of shoreweed have experienced declines due to habitat loss, pollution, and other threats, but overall the species is not currently at risk of extinction.

In some areas, shoreweed is protected by laws and regulations designed to conserve freshwater habitats and the plants and animals that live in them. These protections can help to ensure that shoreweed and other important aquatic species continue to thrive in the years to come.

Shoreweed may be small and inconspicuous, but it plays an important role in many freshwater ecosystems around the world. As a primary producer, it provides energy and habitat for a variety of aquatic animals, and its ability to absorb excess nutrients and pollutants helps to maintain water quality. While shoreweed is not currently considered an endangered species, it is important to continue to monitor its populations and protect its habitat to ensure that it can continue to contribute to the health of freshwater ecosystems for generations to come.

More Information

While shoreweed may not be a well-known plant, it has been the subject of scientific study and research, particularly in the areas of ecology and environmental management. For example, researchers have found that shoreweed can play an important role in reducing the amount of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, in the water. Excess nutrients can cause algal blooms, which can harm other aquatic organisms and reduce water quality. By absorbing these nutrients, shoreweed can help to prevent algal blooms and maintain healthy aquatic ecosystems.

In addition to its ecological importance, shoreweed has also been used in traditional medicine by some indigenous peoples. For example, the Navajo people of North America use shoreweed as a treatment for diarrhea and other gastrointestinal ailments.

Despite its benefits, shoreweed is not without its challenges. Invasive species, such as the common reed (Phragmites australis), can outcompete shoreweed and reduce its abundance in some areas. Changes in water levels and other environmental factors, such as drought or flooding, can also impact shoreweed populations.

Overall, shoreweed is a valuable and important plant in freshwater ecosystems around the world. Its role as a primary producer and water quality regulator make it an essential part of many aquatic food webs, and its ability to provide habitat for a variety of small aquatic animals helps to maintain biodiversity. While there are challenges to preserving and protecting shoreweed, continued efforts to monitor and manage freshwater ecosystems can help to ensure that this important plant and other aquatic species continue to thrive.

One interesting feature of shoreweed is its reproductive strategy. Shoreweed is a dioecious plant, meaning that individual plants are either male or female. The male and female plants produce separate flowers, with the male flowers producing pollen and the female flowers producing ovules. To reproduce, pollen from a male plant must be transported to a female plant, where it can fertilize the ovules and produce seeds.

This reproductive strategy can present a challenge for shoreweed populations, as male and female plants may not be present in equal numbers or may not be in close proximity to one another. However, researchers have found that some populations of shoreweed are able to reproduce asexually through a process called apomixis, in which seeds are produced without fertilization. This can help shoreweed populations to maintain genetic diversity and adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Another interesting feature of shoreweed is its ability to survive in low-oxygen environments. The plant can form specialized structures called aerenchyma, which are essentially air channels that allow oxygen to be transported from the leaves to the roots. This adaptation allows shoreweed to grow in areas with low oxygen levels, such as muddy shorelines or areas with high levels of organic matter.

In conclusion, shoreweed may be a small and inconspicuous plant, but it plays an important role in freshwater ecosystems around the world. Its ability to provide energy and habitat for other aquatic organisms, regulate water quality, and adapt to changing environmental conditions make it a valuable and fascinating plant. Continued efforts to protect and conserve shoreweed and other aquatic species can help to ensure that these important ecosystems continue to thrive for generations to come.

30 Shoreweed Facts

Here are 30 facts about Shoreweed (Littorella uniflora):

  1. Scientific Name: Littorella uniflora.
  2. Common Name: Shoreweed.
  3. Family: Plantaginaceae (Plantain family).
  4. Habitat: Found in freshwater environments such as sandy or muddy shores of lakes and ponds.
  5. Distribution: Native to Europe and parts of North America.
  6. Growth Form: Perennial herb.
  7. Leaves: Narrow, grass-like, and form a basal rosette.
  8. Leaf Length: Up to 10 cm long.
  9. Leaf Arrangement: Basal rosette.
  10. Flower Characteristics: Inconspicuous, greenish or brownish, and unisexual.
  11. Flower Size: About 1-2 mm.
  12. Flower Arrangement: Solitary on leafless stalks.
  13. Pollination: Wind-pollinated.
  14. Fruit Type: Small capsule.
  15. Seed: Single seed per capsule.
  16. Reproduction: Both sexual and vegetative reproduction.
  17. Submerged Growth: Can grow submerged or partially submerged in water.
  18. Ecological Role: Provides habitat and food for aquatic organisms.
  19. Adaptations: Tolerates varying water levels and substrates.
  20. Photosynthesis: Leaves are adapted for photosynthesis in aquatic environments.
  21. Fragrance: No notable fragrance.
  22. Edibility: Generally not considered edible.
  23. Root System: Fibrous and adapted for anchoring in sandy or muddy substrates.
  24. Growth Season: Active growth during warmer months.
  25. Light Requirements: Prefers full sun to partial shade.
  26. Water Requirements: Thrives in moist to wet conditions.
  27. Salt Tolerance: Not tolerant of saline conditions.
  28. Conservation Status: Not listed as threatened or endangered.
  29. Historical Uses: Limited historical use in herbal medicine.
  30. Research Interest: Studied for its adaptations to aquatic environments and potential use in ecological restoration projects.


Shoreweed filmed at Drift Reservoir in Cornwall on the 11th June 2024.


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