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Lleyn Cotoneaster

Cotoneaster villosulus

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Plant Profile

Flowering Months:
Rosaceae (Rose)
Also in this family:
Acute Leaf-lobed Lady's-mantle, Alpine Cinquefoil, Alpine Lady's-mantle, Ampfield Cotoneaster, Arran Service Tree, Arran Whitebeam, Barren Strawberry, Bastard Agrimony, Bastard Service Tree, Bearberry Cotoneaster, Bird Cherry, Blackthorn, Bloody Whitebeam, Bramble, Bristol Whitebeam, Broad-leaved Whitebeam, Broadtooth Lady's-mantle, Bronze Pirri-pirri-bur, Bullace Plum, Bullate Cotoneaster, Burnet Rose, Catacol Whitebeam, Caucasian Lady's-mantle, Cheddar Whitebeam, Cherry Laurel, Cherry Plum, Chinese Photinia, Cloudberry, Clustered Lady's-mantle, Common Agrimony, Common Hawthorn, Common Lady's-mantle, Common Medlar, Common Ninebark, Common Whitebeam, Crab Apple, Creeping Chinese Bramble, Creeping Cinquefoil, Crimean Lady's-mantle, Cultivated Apple, Cultivated Pear, Cut-leaved Blackberry, Damson, Devon Whitebeam, Dewberry, Diel's Cotoneaster, Dog Rose, Doward Whitebeam, Dropwort, Elm-leaved Bramble, English Whitebeam, Entire-leaved Cotoneaster, False Salmonberry, Field Rose, Firethorn, Fodder Burnet, Fragrant Agrimony, Franchet's Cotoneaster, Garden Lady's-mantle, Garden Strawberry, Giant Meadowsweet, Glaucous Dog Rose, Goatsbeard Spiraea, Gough's Rock Whitebeam, Great Burnet, Greengage Plum, Grey-leaved Whitebeam, Hairless Lady's-mantle, Hairy Lady's-mantle, Hautbois Strawberry, Himalayan Blackberry, Himalayan Cotoneaster, Himalayan Whitebeam, Hoary Cinquefoil, Hollyberry Cotoneaster, Hupeh Rowan, Hybrid Cinquefoil, Hybrid Geum, Irish Whitebeam, Japanese Cherry, Japanese Quince, Japanese Rose, Jew's Mallow, Juneberry, Lancaster Whitebeam, Late Cotoneaster, Least Lady's-mantle, Least Whitebeam, Leigh Woods Whitebeam, Ley's Whitebeam, Liljefor's Whitebeam, Littleleaf Cotoneaster, Llangollen Whitebeam, Llanthony Whitebeam, Loganberry, Many-flowered Rose, Margaret's Whitebeam, Marsh Cinquefoil, Meadowsweet, Midland Hawthorn, Mougeot's Whitebeam, Mountain Ash, Mountain Avens, Mountain Sibbaldia, Moupin's Cotoneaster, No Parking Whitebeam, Ocean Spray, Orange Whitebeam, Pale Bridewort, Pale Lady's-mantle, Parsley Piert, Pirri-pirri-bur, Plymouth Pear, Portuguese Laurel, Purple-flowered Raspberry, Quince, Raspberry, Rock Cinquefoil, Rock Lady's-mantle, Rock Whitebeam, Round-leaved Dog Rose, Round-leaved Whitebeam, Rum Cherry, Russian Cinquefoil, Salad Burnet, Sargent's Rowan, Scannell's Whitebeam, Service Tree, Sharp-toothed Whitebeam, Sherard's Downy Rose, Shining Lady's-mantle, Ship Rock Whitebeam, Short-styled Rose, Shrubby Cinquefoil, Silver Lady's-mantle, Silverweed, Slender Parsley Piert, Slender-spined Bramble, Small-flowered Sweetbriar, Small-leaved Sweetbriar, Soft Downy Rose, Somerset Whitebeam, Sorbaria, Sour Cherry, Southern Downy Rose, Southern Lady's-mantle, Spineless Acaena, Spring Cinquefoil, St. Lucie's Cherry, Steeplebush, Stern's Cotoneaster, Stirton's Whitebeam, Stone Bramble, Sulphur Cinquefoil, Swedish Service Tree, Swedish Whitebeam, Sweet Briar, Symond's Yat Whitebeam, Tengyueh Cotoneaster, Thimbleberry, Thin-leaved Whitebeam, Tibetan Cotoneaster, Tormentil, Trailing Tormentil, Tree Cotoneaster, Trefoil Cinquefoil, Twin-cliffs Whitebeam, Two-spined Acaena, Wall Cotoneaster, Water Avens, Waterer's Cotoneaster, Waxy Lady's-mantle, Welsh Cotoneaster, Welsh Whitebeam, White Burnet, White's Whitebeam, White-stemmed Bramble, Wild Cherry, Wild Pear, Wild Plum, Wild Service Tree, Wild Strawberry, Willmott's Whitebeam, Willow-leaved Bridewort, Willow-leaved Cotoneaster, Wineberry, Wood Avens, Wye Whitebeam, Yellow-flowered Strawberry
Deciduous shrub
Life Cycle:
Maximum Size:
3 metres tall
Gardens, grassland, roadsides, waterside.

Red, 5 petals
6mm in diameter. 18 to 20 stamens. White anthers.
Purplish black berries, up to 11mm in diameter. 2 to 3 nutlets. The berries ripen in September.
Dark reddish green, elliptic to ovate leaves. Undersides are paler. Leaves have between 5 and 8 veins.
Frequency (UK):
Rarely seen  

Other Information


Cotoneaster villosulus is a species of flowering plant in the family Rosaceae, native to China. It is a deciduous shrub or small tree with dark green leaves and small, pink flowers that appear in the spring. In the fall, the plant produces small, red berries that are attractive to birds. Cotoneaster villosulus is known for its attractive flowers and berries and is often grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. It is also used in traditional Chinese medicine. The leaves of Cotoneaster villosulus are hairy or villous, particularly on the underside, and have a smooth margin. They are arranged alternately on the stem and are oblong or elliptical in shape.


Lleyn Cotoneaster, also known as Cotoneaster villosulus, is a species of flowering plant that is native to the Lleyn Peninsula of Wales. This beautiful shrub is a member of the rose family and is known for its attractive foliage, bright red berries, and elegant form. It is often used in gardens, parks, and other landscaping projects for its ornamental value and ease of maintenance.

The Lleyn Cotoneaster is a deciduous shrub that can grow up to 3 meters tall and 4 meters wide. It has a spreading habit and a dense, bushy appearance. The leaves of the plant are small, oval-shaped, and a glossy green color. They are often used to create a lush, natural backdrop for other garden plants.

One of the most striking features of the Lleyn Cotoneaster is its clusters of bright red berries that appear in late summer and persist into the winter months. These berries are a source of food for many birds and other wildlife, making the Lleyn Cotoneaster an important component of many ecosystems.

Another advantage of the Lleyn Cotoneaster is its versatility in a variety of garden settings. It can be used as a focal point in a mixed border, planted in a group for mass effect, or used as a hedge or screen. It also thrives in a wide range of soils and light conditions, making it an ideal choice for many gardeners.

In terms of maintenance, the Lleyn Cotoneaster is relatively low-maintenance and requires minimal care. It is drought-tolerant and can be pruned to shape as needed. It is also resistant to many pests and diseases, making it a great choice for gardeners who are looking for a low-maintenance shrub.

The Lleyn Cotoneaster is a beautiful, versatile, and low-maintenance shrub that is a great addition to any garden. With its attractive foliage, bright red berries, and elegant form, it is sure to add beauty and interest to any outdoor space. If you are looking for a shrub that will thrive in your garden, consider the Lleyn Cotoneaster, or Cotoneaster villosulus, for a stunning and long-lasting addition.

In addition to its ornamental qualities, the Lleyn Cotoneaster also has ecological benefits. As previously mentioned, the red berries are a source of food for many birds and other wildlife. This makes the plant an important component of many ecosystems, and it is often used in habitat restoration projects and for landscaping in wildlife-friendly gardens.

Another benefit of the Lleyn Cotoneaster is its tolerance of salt and wind, making it a great choice for coastal gardens or gardens in windy areas. It can also tolerate partial shade, making it a good option for gardens with limited sunlight.

Despite its many benefits, there are a few things to keep in mind when planting Lleyn Cotoneaster in your garden. For example, it is important to space the plants adequately, as they will grow quite wide and may need to be pruned to maintain their shape. Additionally, it is important to water the plant regularly, especially during the first few years after planting, to help it establish roots and become well established.

It is also worth noting that there are several cultivars of the Lleyn Cotoneaster, each with its own unique characteristics and ornamental qualities. For example, the cultivar 'Decorus' has a more upright habit and larger leaves, while the cultivar 'Golden Dream' has yellow-green leaves that change to a golden yellow in the autumn.

Another important aspect to consider when planting Lleyn Cotoneaster is the soil conditions in your garden. This plant prefers well-drained soil and will not tolerate waterlogged or poorly drained soil. If your garden has heavy clay soil, it may be necessary to amend the soil or plant the shrub in a raised bed to ensure adequate drainage.

Finally, it is important to keep an eye out for any pests or diseases that may affect your Lleyn Cotoneaster. While this shrub is relatively disease-resistant, it can be susceptible to pests such as aphids, scale insects, and spider mites. Regularly inspecting your plants and using appropriate pest controls, if necessary, can help keep your Lleyn Cotoneaster healthy and beautiful for many years to come.

In conclusion, the Lleyn Cotoneaster is a beautiful, low-maintenance shrub that is perfect for a wide range of garden styles and conditions. With its attractive foliage, bright red berries, and ease of care, it is an excellent choice for any gardener looking for a versatile and long-lasting addition to their outdoor space. So why not consider adding a few Lleyn Cotoneasters to your garden today and enjoy the beauty and benefits they provide!

Distribution Map

Reproduced by kind permission of the BSBI.

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